Humpback Whale Sentinel Programme Publications
Jasmin Groß, Rita M. Franco-Santos, Patti Virtue, Peter D. Nichols, John Totterdell, Milton C.C. Marcondes, Claire Garrigue, Natalia Botero-Acosta, Fredrik Christiansen, Juliana Castrillon, Susana J. Caballero, Ari S. Friedlaender, So Kawaguchi, Michael C. Double, Elanor M. Bell, Ryosuke Makabe, Masato Moteki, Nils Hoem, Brian Fry, Michele Burford, Susan Bengtson Nash (2024) No distinct local cuisines among humpback whales: A population diet comparison in the Southern Hemisphere. Science of The Total Environment.
Bengtson Nash S.M., Groβ J., Castrillon J., Casa M.V., Luche G.D., Meager J., Ghosh R., Eggebo J. & Nizzetto P.B. (2023) Antarctic sea-ice low resonates in the ecophysiology of humpback whales. Science of the Total Environment.
Hosen M.H.A., Sykes A.M., Wood S.A., Leusch F.D.L., Whitworth D.J. & Bengtson Nash S.M. (2023) Novel Use of Cell Profiling Technology to Visualize Mitochondrial Responses of Humpback Whale Fibroblasts to Chemical Exposure. Environmental Science & Technology
Castrillon J., Mayaud R., Wilson C., Dalle Luche G., Allen J. & Bengtson Nash S. (2023) Moreton Bay; A previously unrecognized resting stopover for east-coast of Australia migrating humpback whales. Frontiers in Marine Science.
Eggebo J., Groß J. & Bengtson Nash S. (2023) Interpretation of southern hemisphere humpback whale diet via stable isotopes; implications of tissue-specific analysis. PLoS ONE.
Nichols, P. D.; Pethybridge, H. R.; Zhang, B.; Virtue, P.; Meyer, L.; Dhurmeea, Z.; Marcus, L.; Ericson, J. A.; Hellessey, N.; Every, S.; Wheatley, K.; Parrish, C. C.; Eisenmann, P.; Baylis, A. M. M.; Bradshaw, C. J. A.; Bierwagen, S. L.; Young, J. W.; Couturier, L. I. E.; Rohner, C. A.; Groß, J.; Waugh, C.; Phleger, C. F.; Jackson, C.; Jackson, G.; Huveneers, C.; Bengtson Nash, S.; Brock, M.; Mansour, P., (2022) Fatty acid profiles of more than 470 marine species from the Southern Hemisphere. Ecology.
Dalle Luche, G.; Boggs, A. S. P.; Kucklick, J. R.; Hawker, D. W.; Wisse, J. H.; Bengtson Nash, S. (2021) Steroid hormone profiles and body conditions of migrating male humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). General and Comparative Endocrinology.
Bengtson Nash, S.; Casa, V.; Kawaguchi, S.; Staniland, I. J.; Bjerregaard, P. (2021) Mercury Levels in Humpback Whales, and Other Southern Ocean Marine Megafauna. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Gross, J.; Fry, B.; Burford, M. A.; Bengtson Nash, S. (2021) Assessing the effects of lipid extraction and lipid correction on stable isotope values (δ(13) C and δ(15) N) of blubber and skin from southern hemisphere humpback whales. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.
Nelms, S.; Alfaro Shigueto, J.; Arnould, J.; Avila, I.; Bengtson Nash, S.; Campbell, E.; Carter, M.; Collins, T.; Currey, R.; Domit, C.; Franco-Trecu, V.; Fuentes, M.; Gilman, E.; Harcourt, R.; Hines, E.; Hoelzel, R.; Hooker, S.; Johnston, D.; Kelkar, N.; Kiszka, J.; Laidre, K.; Mangel, J.; Marsh, H.; Maxwell, S.; Onoufriou, A.; Palacios; D.; Pierce, G.; Ponnampalam, L.; Porter, L.; Russell, D.; Stockin, K.; Sutaria, D.; Wambiji, N.; Weir, C.; Wilson, B.; Godley, B. (2021) Marine Mammal Conservation: Over the Horizon. Endangered Species Research.
Gross, J.; Virtue, P.; Nichols, P.; Eisenmann, P.; Waugh, C. A.; Bengtson Nash, S., Interannual Variability in the Lipid and Fatty Acid Profiles of East Australia Migrating Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae); a 10-year timeline. Scientific Reports
Christiansen, F.; Sprogis, K. R.; Gross, J.; Castrillon, J.; Warick, H. A.; Leunissen, E.; Bengtson Nash, S., Response to: Lipid content of whale blubber cannot be measured using biopsies. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, (13), jeb227850.
Christiansen, F., Sprogis, K. R., Gross, J., Castrillon, J., Warick, H. A., Leunissen, E., & Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2020). Variation in outer blubber lipid concentrations does not reflect morphological body condition in humpback whales. Journal of Experimental Biology 223:1-9
Castrillon, J. and S. M. Bengtson Nash (2020). Evaluating Cetacean Body Condition; a Review of Traditional Approaches and New Developments. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6301
Dalle Luche G, Boggs A, Kucklick J, Bengtson Nash S. (2020) Androstenedione and testosterone but not progesterone are potential biomarkers of pregnancy in Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) approaching parturition. Scientific Reports
Maner, J., Burkard, M., Cassano, J., Bengtson Nash, S., Schirmer, K., & Suter, M. (2020). Hexachlorobenzene exerts genotoxic effects in a humpback whale cell line under stable exposure conditions. Royal Society of Chemistry Advances. 9: 39447
Dalle Luche, G., Bengtson Nash, S. M., Kucklick, J., Minngram, F., Boggs, A. (2019) Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the quantification of steroid hormone profiles in blubber from stranded humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Conservation Physiology 7 (1)
Casa, V., Van Mourik, L., Weijs, L., Mueller, J., Bengtson Nash (2019) First Detection of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs) in Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) foraging in Antarctic Waters. Environmental Pollution 250:953-959.
Druskat, A., Ghosh, R. Castrillon, J., Bengtson Nash, S. (2019) Sex Ratios of Migrating Southern Hemisphere Humpback Whales: A New Sentinel Parameter of Ecosystem Health. Marine Environmental Research 151: 104749
Burkard, M., Bengtson Nash, S., Gambaro, G., Whitworth, D. & Schirmer, K. (2019). Lifetime extension of humpback whale skin fibroblasts and their response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclor). Cell Biology and Toxicology.
Bengtson Nash, S., J. Castrillon, P. Eisenmann, B. Fry, J. Shuker, R. Cropp, A. Dawson, A. Bignert, P. Bohlin-Nizzetto, C. A. Waugh, B. Polkinghorne, G. Dalle Luche and D. McLagan (2018). Signals from the South; Humpback Whales Carry Messages of Antarctic Sea-ice Ecosystem Variability. Global Change Biology 24:1500-1510
Eisenmann, P.; Fry, B.; Mazumder, D.; Jacobsen, G.; Holyoake, C.; Coughran, D.; Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2017) Radiocarbon as a tracer of migration in southern hemisphere humpback whales. Scientific Reports 7:4366
Castrillon, J., Huston, W., Bengtson Nash, S. (2017) The adipocyte index; a non-destructive biomarker of adiposity in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Ecology and Evolution 00:1-9
Eisenmann, P.; Fry, B.; Holyoake, C.; Coughran, D.; Nicol, S.; Bengtson Nash, S. M., (2016) Isotopic evidence for a spectrum of feeding strategies in southern hemisphere humpback whale baleen records PLos One 11 (5)
Burkard, M.; Schirmer, K.; Whitworth, D.; Bengtson Nash, S. M., (2015) Establishment of the first humpback whale fibroblast cell lines and their application in chemical risk assessment Aquatic Toxicology 167:240-247
Bates, M. L., S. M. Bengtson Nash, D. W. Hawker, J. Norbury, J. S. Stark and R. A. Cropp (2015). Construction of a trophically complex near-shore Antarctic food web model using the Conservative Normal framework with structural coexistence. Journal of Marine Systems 145(0): 1-14.
Bengtson Nash, S. M., C. A. Waugh, M. Burkard, A. Dawson and W. Huston (2014). Detoxification Enzyme Activities (CYP1A1 and GST) in the Skin of Humpback Whales as a Function of Organochlorine Burdens and Migration Status. Aquatic Toxicology 155: 207-212
Cropp, R., S. M. Bengtson Nash, Hawker, D. (2014). A Model to Resolve the Dynamics of Organochlorine Pharmacokinetics in Migrating Humpback Whales. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 9999:1-12
Waugh, C. A.; Nichols, P. D.; Schlabach, M.; Noad, M.; Bengtson Nash, S. M., (2014) Vertical distribution of lipids, fatty acids and organochlorine contaminants in the blubber of southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Marine Environmental Research
Bengtson Nash, S. M.; Waugh, C. A.; Schlabach, M. (2013) Metabolic Concentration of Lipid Soluble Organochlorine Burdens in Humpback Whales Through Migration and Fasting. Environmental Science and Technology, 47: 9404-9413.
Waugh CA, Nichols PD, Noad M, Bengtson Nash SM. (2012) Lipid profiles of migrating southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae); Energy dynamics of a high fidelity Antarctic krill feeder. Marine Ecology Progress Series 471: 271
Waugh CA, Schlabach M, Noad M, Bengtson Nash SM (2012) The effect of migration and fasting on organochlorine contaminants burdens in southern hemisphere humpback whales Organohalogen compounds 74: 919-922
Waugh, C.A., et al., Huston, W., Noad, M., Bengtson Nash, S. M., (2011) Cytochrome P450 isoenzyme protein verified in the skin of southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae); Implications for biochemical biomarker assessment Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62:758-761